Safety First: Learning the Facts about Rubber Bullet Guns

Facts about Rubber Bullet Guns

Rubber bullet guns are a non-lethal form of defense and can be categorized with other non-lethal forms such as tasers, stun guns, pepper spray, and batons. Rubber bullet guns provide you with a weapon for self-defense that is considered less lethal due to the ammo that it requires. However, you should still consider a rubber bullet gun in the same way you would consider a real gun, and this means you need to brush up on your handling of the gun as well as the safety education needed to carry the weapon.

What are Rubber Bullets

Rubber bullets are a form of kinetic impact munition and are primarily meant as a means to stun or disorient the target. You will most often find this type of ammunition used by police officers as a form of riot control.

Rubber bullets come in a number of different calibers and will typically cause a lot of bruising and some pain and discomfort for the target.

Different Types of Rubber Bullet Rounds

One of the most common rounds of rubber bullets are 12-gauge rubber bullet rounds. It is a 12-gauge shell that contains many rubber coated pellets. They typically work in the same way that a normal shotgun shell would in terms of the coverage and pellet pattern.

Flash Thunder Grenade Rounds are another type of 12-gauge shotgun round and releases a very audible banging noise that comes in at approximately 180 dB. The bright flash accompanying these rounds has over 1.5 million candlepower. Not only does this round stun the target, but it will also work to disorient them and cause a very powerful, yet non-lethal, concussion blast.

Cayenne Pepper Rounds can also be purchased for a shotgun and provide the user with several different ways to disorient the target. Pepper blast shells that shoot cayenne pepper are one such round that will be able to effectively incapacitate the target.

Do Rubber Bullet Guns Require a Permit?

Whether or not a rubber bullet gun will require a permit really depends on the area in which you reside. Some states may require you to have a firearms or concealed carry permit within your state, while others may not.

Many states bear no restrictions in terms of non-lethal or less lethal weapons. However, a few states will not allow guns, tasers, stun guns, or even pepper spray. Always check the law before you purchase one of these weapons to be sure that you are able to use it legally within your state.

Benefits of Rubber Bullet Guns

Using a rubber bullet gun opposed to a real gun will pose a few advantages. Among these advantages you may find that while you are still effectively able to protect yourself, you are also reducing any chance of accidental injury or death to yourself or others.

Firearms aren’t always the ideal method to use for self-defense and protection which further highlights the utmost importance of being able to supply yourself with other non-lethal options.

With rubber bullet guns, you are able to eliminate any potential threats without having to use excessive force or deadly force to do so.

Important to Note

However, it is also very important to note that there still may be a slim chance of accidental death even when rubber bullet guns are used. When using this type of gun, you should target the center of the person’s body mass, but even when doing so properly, you may still cause serious bodily injury and bruising.

Rubber Bullet Gun Safety

The same rules apply to rubber bullet gun safety that applies to a traditional gun. Gun safety and gun laws are in effect to help offer recommendations on the proper way to use these weapons to limit or even avoid any accidental discharge, negligent discharge, or any type of gun malfunction.

Make Sure It Is Not Loaded

Whenever the rubber bullet gun is not in use, then you should be mindful of ensuring that the gun is not loaded. When not in use, the gun and the rubber bullets should be stored separately from each other and in a secure and safe location.

It is then your responsibility to make sure that it is not within easy reach or accessible to others, especially children, and unauthorized adults.

Always Use the Right Ammunition

As with any gun, you will want to make sure that you are using the correct ammunition to help eliminate any chance of the rubber bullet gun from malfunctioning. Be sure to read and adhere to all the instructions, warnings, and manufacturer recommendations when it comes to your gun and the type of ammunition you will be using.

Never Modify the Weapon

The rubber bullet gun should always be used in the same condition it was in when the manufacturer distributed it. There is never any instance in which you should take it upon yourself to either alter or modify the gun in any way.

It is also just as important to make sure that you are performing regular maintenance and cleaning on the gun to keep it in proper working order and shape. If this is done correctly, then the gun will function properly in the condition that it was meant to function in and will last much longer.

Learn How to Handle the Weapon

Finally, you must always be aware and knowledgeable when it comes to learning how to use the gun and understanding how everything operates. Knowing your weapon will seriously diminish the risk of negligent firing of the weapon or any other accidents that can occur if you are unsure of how to handle it.

If you need help learning about the gun, you can always attend a gun safety seminar or course, and they will be able to guide you in the right direction when it comes to safe handling and safe operation of your rubber bullet gun.

Final Thoughts

Always follow safety procedures when it comes to any type of gun use and exercise responsibility and knowledge when using the weapons.

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