Selecting the Right Fishing Bobber for Your Fishing Trip

Right Fishing Bobber for Your Fishing TripA fishing bobber also referred to as a float depending on where you live, is an item that attaches to the angler’s fishing line and can then serve several different purposes. Some of these purposes include being able to suspend the bait at a predetermined depth, the ability to carry the baited hook out to an otherwise inaccessible area, and it can also act as a good visual bait indicator.

Advanced anglers will use bobbers to keep their bait at predetermined depths, while novice anglers are the ones that typically use the bobbers as more of a reference point or an indicator to tell them when the fish are biting the bait.

Fishing bobbers come in a variety of assorted styles, colors, and sizes and it may be a bit overwhelming as you stand in the tackle shop and stare listlessly at the endless supply of bobbers you can choose from.

To help you understand how to select the right fishing bobber for your fishing trip, it may be wise to first learn everything you need to know about fishing bobbers.

Types of Bobbers or Floats

Right Fishing Bobber for Your Fishing Trip

The following highlights a few types of bobbers and mentions the ideal conditions in which that particular type of bobber or float can be used most effectively.

Fixed Floats maintain a defined leader length between the bobber and the bait on the line. The downside of using a fixed float or bobber is the difficulty you may experience while casting. A fixed bobber may also cause your accuracy and distance while casting to suffer a bit.

Slip bobbers, on the other hand, are able to slide up and down the fishing line instead of remaining in one place like a fixed float. The angler can also set the bobber at any distance they prefer from the bait and in doing so, helps to increase the distance they can achieve while casting.

However, the angler will not be able to maintain a consistent leader distance between the line and the bobber when using a slip bobber while fishing.

Round Bobber

Round bobber are very easy to use, and they have a very simple and uncomplicated design. This type of bobber is better when used in smaller sizes and when catching smaller fish.

Round bobbers are also more suited for novice or beginning anglers or younger anglers just starting out because these bobbers will not work effectively in all kinds of fishing conditions. Moreover, they will not be able to provide the angler with the limited resistance they would experience when using other types of bobbers.

Waggler Float

A waggler float is one of the most commonly used bobbers, as well as the most versatile because they can be used in in all kinds of conditions including deep or shallow water and fast or slow water.

The shape of the waggler float allows the angler to achieve a further distance out while casting as it is able to shoot through the air like a dart. This bobber fastens to the angler’s main line and can then be locked into one fixed position. It offers great sensitivity and improved ease of casting without becoming tangled.

Stick Float

Stick floats are attached to the top and bottom with rubber bands. Its position on the line allows the angler to allocate the float position. Stick floats are only suitable for limited fishing depths because of their fixed position. However, they can sit on top of the water while providing adequate buoyancy and a more stabilized weight.

A stick float is an ideal bobber to use in rough or choppy water conditions and water with a stronger drift. They also offer less wind and water resistance which allows the bobber to drift much slower and allows the angler to cast much further. If you are interested in river fishing, then this is the bobber to choose for your next fishing trip.

Pole Float

A pole float is very small in size but does come in a variety of different sizes as well. They do not require a lot of weight for stability, and due to the variety of sizes and shapes available for pole floats, they are ideal for many different fishing locations.

They are a desirable choice for an angler interested in fishing rivers and deep or shallow lakes and canals. They are also suitable bobbers to use in windy conditions because of the durability of the materials used in their construction and their suitable float stability.

What to Consider When Choosing the Right Bobber

Right Fishing Bobber for Your Fishing Trip

After learning a few of the different kinds of bobbers you can choose from, you should then learn what other considerations you should make when choosing the right bobber for your next fishing trip.

Diameter is one of the most important considerations when you are choosing the right bobber. The larger the diameter of the bobber, the more stability they tend to have while in the water. A wider bobber is also ideal for a rough current but may prove to be more resistant to the fish.

The buoyancy and capacity of the bobber are also important, so you should choose the most effective shot to properly set the bobber up in the water. The buoyancy of the bobber also varies depending on the type of bait that is being used. Additionally, larger bobbers offer more resistance which also increases the sensitivity of the line.


When choosing a bobber, a slip float offers the angler with the most versatility and allows them to cast freely and allow the bait to float at any depth they desire. A fixed float will limit the depth at which the bobber will suspend.

A bobber that is too large will cause the fish to experience more resistance and may lead the fish to drop the bait. If the bobber is too small, then the buoyancy will suffer, and the bobber will not float properly which may cause even the more experienced angler to lose a few bites.

Finally, don’t forget about the water conditions. Windy conditions with stronger currents will require the angler to use a larger bobber that offers more buoyancy. In clear and relatively calm water, however, the angler should choose a smaller bobber and that will be sufficient enough in these types of water conditions and will also not scare the fish away.

Don’t be afraid to test out different bobbers in various conditions before your trip, so you can get a better idea of exactly what you will need so you can find the best bobber for your next fishing trip.

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